16 December 2010

I spit and then it froze.

Real talk.
Also... my stress is taking on the form of a frog hunting me in my dreams.
He carries a bow and arrow.
Furthermore if you get less than three hours of sleep your functioning is impaired equally to that of when you are intoxicated. What does this mean. For an example see the post I wrote the other night. And frozen spit. Unreal.

14 December 2010

Here I live in this city.

And there are lots of lights And they sparkle and make me think:
Here I live

In this city
I walk places and cross bridges
I am a grad student
And it flurries
But I am acclimated;


I procrastinate and I look for signs
And occasionally I smoke an old man pipe because the smoke is captivating in the air

I sit on porches and I hold this thought:
Here I live in this city.