18 January 2010

The commotion that is the casserole.

The only nemesis to the casserole is the required use of Cream of Mushroom Soup. The consistency of this congealed muck makes the preparation of the casserole somewhat awkward. Since I do not like to physically look at the grey jellifyed soup, I typically find the process of getting the substance from the can into the casserole rather inconvenient. While keeping my eyes directed at the ceiling and my mind occupied on images of whole wheat toast or vampires, I use a spoon to quickly scrape out and stir in the soup with the remaining ingredients. I also try to breathe through my mouth; Cream of Mushroom Soup does not actually smell, but my mind tricks me telling me it does. The wonder of the casserole lies in the fact that you abandon the dish for 20 minutes of baking at 350 degrees. This leaves more time to think about things like what the man on the T meant when he told me “children need to be put in their place”. After eating the delectable casserole it is hard not to appreciate what the Cream of Mushroom Soup contributes to the result. Plus there’s the leftovers. Also did you know you can freeze casseroles for a quick meal later in the week? Unreal.

10 January 2010

Sings all around

Signs, often misspelled sings by my hasty typing and terrible recognition for errors, are everywhere. When traveling home I use these signs to judge which side of the country I prefer. A few from my most recent west coast/east coast gallivants:

Inability to parallel park in downtown davis.
Finding a coffee mug with an owl on the side.
Discussions with brothers about the avengers, the time matt was kicked in the face on Christmas eve, and “10 pounds of dedication gone”.
A mothers biased compliments
Snow on top of the river creating illusions
Ability to roll a suitcase that has two wheels instead of one
Finding a patch of ice invisible to the human eye
Discussions with franny about Cudi, the time we climbed on top of the roof, and “re-emerging awkward laughs”
A roommates biased mockery

The verdict of the perpetual debate over right and left coast remains undisclosed. I will continue to judge.

04 January 2010

January List

A list I wrote January 2nd, 2010. (not resolutions just to-do's):
Finish grad school applications.
Silence in the day - Find it. Use it.
Enjoy your walk to work.
Always find something beautiful.
Study for the GRE and pretend excitement.
One cup of coffee; otherwise tea.
Drink water, take care of your neck.
Fear God. He's your friend but he's also magnificent and marked the Heaven's with the breadth of his hand.
Energize your body by expending energy.
Be less selfish and more humble.
Love. Take risk.
Write one sentence about the day. It can beautiful or it can be elementary but it must be honest.
Keep your ears warm.

03 January 2010

RIP Black Squirrel: Unknown - August 2009

The Black Squirrel began terrorizing Antioch Drive in 2004. The nuisance first made his presence known by boldly standing between residents and their cars as they tried to leave their front doors. While at first mistaken for a timid and arguably cute common Grey squirrel, the Black Squirrel quickly let the residents know that he was a maverick. Hissing while chasing individuals to and from their cars and homes demonstrated his bravery. Peeing on bike seats and gnawing at bike tires revealed his lack of respect. The Black Squirrel is even acclaimed to have jumped on George’s back while he trimmed his poppy’s. This feat, if true, proved his unruly conduct as well as his sense of humor. The Black Squirrel hid in roof gutters, shrubbery, and behind the foot of the gnome on your front step. His forte was surprise and he was a master of escape.
Spotting the Black Squirrel was just as fascinating as it was startling. An encounter gave reason to boast to the neighbors: “the Black Squirrel clung to my screen door today and hissed at us for 45 minutes!” Now that the Black Squirrel has passed we all feel frustrated by the mystery he left behind. Where did he come from? Was he really a mix between a common Grey squirrel and a rat? He abandons us with just fables that commemorate his reign.